Project Consulting Services

Project design & supervision

SAMTAC offers design & supervision services to clients related to their MEP, steam and hot water solutions, and renewable energy implementation for stand-alone as well as integrated turn-key solutions in both commercial & residential spaces.

Our Risk reduction, cost control, and time savings are paramount for owners facing large, complex, or fast-track design-build construction projects. In such situations, engaging the MEP consultant through a design-assist delivery model can be a particularly effective way to achieve these goals. 


Key highlights

Clearly defined roles and collaboration

Ingenuity and efficiency

Team-based problem-solving

Early coordination of space planning


SAMTAC also offers boutique procurement services for its clients acting as a de-facto procurement arm. With our database of empaneled suppliers, we provide the best of cutting-edge technology from across the world to you under one roof. The procurement suite of services does not offer merely order & delivery but also a consultative approach to choosing the technology for your specific needs. Based on project needs & compliance criterion our team of engineers/project managers will provide to you the best option and products suited for your particular facility. We leverage our relationship and negotiating skills to get you the best-in-class, cost effective purchase.

We define three specific stages of procurement as

1. Need assessment

In this stage a team of engineers studies your specific need as well as project design, efficiency & compliance goals, as well your projected ROI & running cost expectations from your project. With an assessment of these needs against technology & compliance, we suggest products with specific criterion & specification(s) for your project needs.


In this stage a team of engineers studies your specific need as well as project design, efficiency & compliance goals, as well your projected ROI & running cost expectations from your project. With an assessment of these needs against technology & compliance, we suggest products with specific criterion & specification(s) for your project needs.

3. Order placement & delivery

In this stage a team of engineers studies your specific need as well as project design, efficiency & compliance goals, as well your projected ROI & running cost expectations from your project. With an assessment of these needs against technology & compliance, we suggest products with specific criterion & specification(s) for your project needs.

Facility re-engineering

Turnkey solutions

We offer our services for completer facility re-engineering projects for existing plants & facilities, in both commercial & residential spaces, including tear down and removal or scrapping of existing/obsolete structures, to design, implementation & installation of the new facility elements either in restricted/partial applications of the commissioned project, or full facility turnarounds.

Renewable transitions

As providers of renewable energy solutions, we assist clients with the transition from conventional energy sources to sustainable ones. We assist with procuring and transition of a product using a conventional fuel source to a renewable one, as well as provide renewable energy solution sin the form of wind & solar.   

We do not only come in at the last stages but offer a consultative approach, suggesting the technology best suited to your needs and designing the specific system around your energy goals & needs. Alternatively, we can be brough in for execution of an already commissioned project with pre-determined design elements.

Are you looking for a project consultant?

Energy audits

Optimized efficiency programs (OEP)

As part of our consulting services we also perform technical audits and sustainability surveys, where we analyze life and feasibility of your existing facilities and current infrastructure with an aim of suggesting improvements and creating long term value for your organization.

Audit highlights energy consumption pattern, its end use distribution, benchmarking, alongside providing clients with some best energy conservation measures depending on the identified opportunities. At SAMTAC, our professional, qualified, and experienced energy efficiency team follows international energy auditing guidelines and use calibrated measuring equipment to analyze every variable of the building that affect its energy utilization. Our team will determine the saving potential, appropriate energy conservation measures, their financial feasibility and develop the best possible solution to optimize energy consumption and make buildings more efficient and sustainable.

Renewable transitions

As providers of renewable energy solutions, we assist clients with the transition from conventional energy sources to sustainable ones. We assist with procuring and transition of a product using a conventional fuel source to a renewable one, as well as provide renewable energy solution sin the form of wind & solar.   

We do not only come in at the last stages but offer a consultative approach, suggesting the technology best suited to your needs and designing the specific system around your energy goals & needs. Alternatively, we can be brough in for execution of an already commissioned project with pre-determined design elements.

Walk through audit

Involves analysis of historical energy bills, walk through the building for visual evidence on energy losses, spot measurements of electrical and mechanical parameters, identifying energy conservation measures (ECMs). Also called a level 1 audit, it is a useful tool that gives you a quick snapshot of your facility health.

Detailed energy audit

In addition to Level 1, a more intense site study is conducted through key parameter data logging, thermal imaging, efficiency, and performance calculations, identifying appropriate energy conservation measures along with cost benefit analysis (Pay back calculation).

Are you looking for facility maintenance?


Call out/spot maintenance

We carry out regular maintenance scheduled for facilities built & designed by us as well as third party clients.

Having your facility covered under our Annual Maintenance Contracts gives you round the clock 24/7 365 days access to our team for any maintenance issue you may face. AMC assures you complete peace of mind. We offer spot call out services in terms of problem fixing as well as annual contracts where a team is on stand-by to attend to your needs as per TAT specified in SLA.

Preventive maintenance/AMCs

Having your facility covered under our annual maintenance contracts gives you round the clock 24/7 365 days access to our team for any maintenance issue you may face. AMC assures you complete peace of mind. we offer spot call out services in terms of problem fixing as well as annual contracts where a team is on stand-by to attend to your needs as per TAT specified in SLA.

Personnel training

We provide training to plant workers, maintenance & technical staff as well as pant workers on SOPs, best practices & health & safety measures related to equipment handling. Training modules are designed keeping in mind the audience being trained.

Are you looking for non-conventional fuel & energy sources expert?